Justice for All by Wildflower Stitching PREORDER
Sunflower Salt House Sewing Box CHART PACK by MTV Designs PREORDER
Sunflower Salt House Sewing Box by MTV Designs PREORDER
Liberty by MTV Designs PREORDER
Betsy Ross-1776 by MTV Designs PREORDER
Patriots' Inn by Annie Beez Folk Art PREORDER
Patriotic House 2 Emily Call Stitching PREORDER
Sweet Liberty Biscornu by Emily Call Stitching PREORDER
Patriotic Bouquet by Sampler and Primitives PREORDER
A Stitch In Time by Finally A Farmgirl
Patriotic Ewe by Erin Elizabeth Designs
American House by Erin Elizabeth Designs
The Pledge of Allegiance by Crocette a gogo'
American Flag Quilt Sampler by Rosewood Manor (Revised)
Betsy's Patriotic Basket - 4th of July by Pansy Patch Quilts and Stitching
Patriotic Quaker 1776 by The Proper Stitcher
Our Dear Flag by Twin Peak Primitives
Flag Buttons by Running With Needles & Scissors
Hello America booklet by Teresa Kogut
USA Star Ornament by Teresa Kogut
Patriotic Tweet / God Bless the USA by Teresa Kogut
There is Liberty by Plum Street Samplers
We Remember by Plum Street Samplers
1776 by Little Robin Designs
Home of the Free by Shannon Christine
Lady Liberty Americana Mamas II by Heartstring Samplery
Stars & Stripes Penny Pin Drum by Heartstring Samplery
Patriotic frill by Heart In Hand
Sweet Land of Liberty by Primrose Cottage